Asian Development Bank

The ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference Ten Plus One (PMC 10 +1) sessions on 1 July focused on “the overview and future direction of ASEAN cooperation with its Dialogue Partners”. The ASEAN members developed and adopted a Plan of Action for furthering implementation of the SEANWFZ. The Plan is intended to increase regional coordination in opposition to nuclear weapons and deepen regional participation in the relevant international agreements. Under the Plan of Action, States agree to pursue completion of IAEA safeguard agreements and accession to the Convention on Early Notification of Nuclear Accidents and regional emergency response plans. In addition, the states agreed to consider accession to other relevant instruments such as the CTBT and the counter-terrorism conventions related to nuclear weapons.

East Asia: Environmental Issues

Lake Baikal, which is 5,315 feet deep and whose bottom lies 3,822 feet below sea level, are all located in Asia. Those physiographic extremes and the overall predominance of mountain belts and plateaus are the result of the collision of tectonic plates. In mindfulmediapr geologic terms, Asia comprises several very ancient continental platforms and other blocks of land that merged over the eons. Most of those units had coalesced as a continental landmass by about 160 million years ago, when the core of the Indian subcontinent broke off from Africa and began drifting northeastward to collide with the southern flank of Asia about 50 million to 40 million years ago.

South & Central Asia

Southeast Asia is also a major producer of tropical fruits, such as mango, papaya, and pineapple. India is the world’s largest mango-producing nation, accounting for roughly 40 percent of total global output in 2010. The TAC stated that ASEAN political and  security dialogue and cooperation should aim to promote regional peace and stability by enhancing regional resilience. Regional resilience shall be achieved by cooperating in all fields based on the principles of self-confidence, self-reliance, mutual respect, cooperation, and solidarity, which shall constitute the foundation for a strong and viable community of nations in Southeast Asia. These conjectures, however, are very difficult to evaluate empirically because the emergence and characteristics of family planning programs are correlated with other determinants of fertility decline, most notably socioeconomic development. It is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest and China in the far northeast.

Extensive Resources On Nuclear Policy, Biological Threats, Radiological Security, Cyber Threats And More

Exploitation of the migrants can occur in the process of movement when they may be forced to pay exorbitant amounts of money or suffer physical abuse. There have been several documented cases of undocumented migrants from the region losing their lives due to suffocation or drowning in the process of migration. At destinations they can be subject to exploitation  and discrimination especially if they are undocumented migrants. Such migrants usually are depicted as criminals rather than as victims of the groups that exploit them in the process of migration or at the destination. In 1994, remittances from overseas workers accounted for 34 percent of the revenues earned from all goods and services exported from Bangladesh. In the case of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, this percentage ranged from 14 to 17 percent.

The Bank’s work also spans across several development goals and cross-cutting initiatives. ADB celebrates Gender Month during March every year as an opportunity to reflect on progress made in promoting gender equality and encourage increased participation of women in building a stronger and more prosperous Asia and the Pacific region. Bank boards can drive growth and profits while spurring positive social change by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises owned by women.

Northern Illinois University Center For Southeast Asian Studies College Of Liberal Arts And Sciences

On 2 April, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel joined defense ministers from the 10 Asia-Pacific countries for an unofficial meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen and “rebalance” the relationship between the United States and ASEAN. On 8 October, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar delivered a statement on behalf of ASEAN during the opening statements for the General Assembly First Committee.


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